Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

What a nice day we had.  Church. Brunch at home. Hike with the doggies and K. Dinner with Hubby, K and S.  S had been camping this weekend with a friend.  K was gone for most of the weekend, but here for brunch and dinner.  The house was very noisy tonight.  Full of laughter, giggles, and stories of what the weekend was made up of.  Then K wanted to go get a movie.  As she drove to the red box location, I was kind of happy sad.  Glad that K and S wanted to watch a family movie (Despicable Me) and sad that in just a few months K would be off at college and it wouldn't quite be the same.  S and I do plan to have fun, but it has been the 3 of us for so long doing girlie stuff together.  Hubby likes it because he doesn't have to go shopping, get mani/pedis.............etc.  Even though he will if asked.  K is growing up.  18 and ready to take on the world.  She wrote the most beautiful essay for her community scholarship.  Just getting to read that essay is priceless to me.  She talked to eloquently about being raised by a single mom who went back to college.............  made me so proud.  I went back to school for my girls.  More so than myself.  I needed to give them a wonderful life and opportunities.  And I wanted to show them how important an education is.  after reading that essay, I realized that K gets it.  I'm sure S does to, she's just not thinking about college right now.  I think she wants to go, but she is only a sophomore, and is busy being a 16 year old girl.  She is golfing, and I couldn't be more proud of her.  She is trying something she has never done before, and is successful.  She has brought her grades up, and is doing so well.  Looks like I have done something right.

Hubby and I seemed to be getting into a routine.  And not a very productive one.  So busy with work, kids, etc.............. life................and not really spending quality time together.  Errands that used to done together were getting done alone, because it was easier/quicker/less of a hassle.  Well, Friday I did something so simple.  I asked hubby to come watch tv w/me on the couch.  He and I snuggled up and he said "we haven't done this forever".  Then we spent Saturday together.  Ran errands together.  He went into the city with me while I got my hair cut.  We ate lunch together.  Talked.  Reminded  me of what's important. Need to remember to not neglect one area of my life while trying to keep another from falling apart. The world will not end if I don't answer every phone call right away or endlessly check my work email on the weekends or at night.  The girls are doing so well.  Work is great.  I just need to remember to slow down, and realize that hubby is my partner.  And that it's ok to lean on him once in a while. 

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