Has it really been since May 6th? I have got to get better at this........... It's not like I am never near a computer. Such a busy summer - if you can call it that. I do know it's summer, though, because my allergies are Super Allergies this year. *sniff sniff * I am liking the cooler temps. A big plus since we do not have central air. I went in to work today, for a few hours, and on the way there my car thermometer said 50 degrees. Crazy.
Let's see - job - great, girls - both working :) and staying out of trouble, hubby - just got offered a new job, so things look pretty good here at the homestead. Ben and Laura (step son and dot in law) will be having their little baby soon. Don't know if it's a girl or boy, and cannot wait to hold that sweet lil thing.
On a different note, my sister was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma last month. Started Chemo on the 14th. :( She has a very supportive hubby, and our small but mighty family is keeping in very close contact with her. It's so hard when we do not all live in the same area. I really envy families who live in the same town. I had that growing up and I wish my daughters would have gotten to experience that.
Well, the vacuum cleaner is calling my name. Better run after those dust bunnies.